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Why I want to focus on global warming and sustainability.

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

Growing up, I always had a passion for animals and actually wanted to work with them as a Vet or Zoologist. However, as I got older, that passion waned as I'm a person who likes their creature comforts and was never a huge fan of the great outdoors! (except in pictures and on the TV!) Since having children, the future of the planet has become much more visible to me and much more important. We spent more time outdoors playing and learning and it became clear that it’s no longer just about me, but more about their future and I must say, with the prevalence of global warming, loss of biodiversity, etc. it felt like they have no future. It felt very bleak.

I needed to help change that. It is my responsibility as a mother and a citizen of the world. It is all of our responsibilities. I needed to be the change.

Covid has made me feel like we are at a really pivotal point in history - the stuff you read about in history books or see in films. Things at the moment can go one of two ways and it is up to us to decide which way they go: do we carry on living the way that we are, not changing, business and usual and hoping for the best? Or. Do we make a change? Do we create a new normal that has a positive impact on the world? Do we create a sustainable future in harmony with nature? Do we listen to David Attenborough and rewild the planet? Do we protect biodiversity? Do we move towards sustainable energy and reverse climate change?

It’s a no brainer for me. I can no longer sit back and carry on as though everything is going to be ok when I know it’s not. I cannot be complicit in this ecocide anymore. I cannot sit back and let the most powerful in the world rob our children of what is rightfully theirs, not ours. I cannot sit by and let multinational corporations rape the earth for all it can give and more, just for power and profit.

I cannot and I will not.

Not anymore.

I will do everything in my power to fight them and encourage others to do the same. I am by no means perfect and I have a long way to go. I am a work in progress. But I will try. I will do my best to make as many changes as I can. I don’t believe in going backwards. We do not need, nor want to make life difficult, and if we want to spread the change, we need to understand this.

And so here starts my journey. Here I will document the changes that I and my family make. I will share our wins and our ‘failures’ ( “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ― Thomas A. Edison) I will give my recommendations, processes and thoughts on our journey. I will be honest and open about our journey and I will show you how you can make your life more sustainable and eco-friendly without actually making it more difficult. I will share how I do my best to influence big businesses and take care of our planet for our children and children’s children.

All the power and money in the world can’t leave with us when we die. We come in with nothing and we leave with nothing. All we have is the here and now, but we can leave a beautiful, thriving planet as our legacy to future generations to ensure that they have every opportunity for a long, happy and healthy life, as we do if we look after our home. So she can look after us.

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